Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Extrovert or introvert?

When you are feeling depleted, what do you do?

Some people are extroverts and when they find themselves empty and exhausted they go out with friends or go do something where there are a lot of people. All of the energy around them helps fill them back up.

Others are introverts. When they feel empty and exhausted they may take a bath or curl up with a good book. Being alone is how they get filled back up.

It is important to know what works for you. At the end of a long day are you ready to go out for drinks with friends, or curl up in your jammies at home?

Whatever works for you, make a note of it. Then brainstorm a little bit and come up with a list of things that could help you get filled up when you are empty.

Write this list out. Put it somewhere where you can see it. When you find yourself depleted you have a ready-made list of ideas to help you get back without having to spend the energy to try to figure out what you need.


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