Taking care of ourselves is so important. I mean, it is important for everyone, but if those of us who are parenting children with mental illnesses don't take the time and effort to take care of ourselves, we will shrivel up and become useless.
At least that is what it feels like.
There are so many things that you can do for yourself to help fill yourself up. Some cost money and some don't. Some require TIME, and others only take a moment. I know from experience that sometimes there was just simply not TIME to take for myself. So, here are a couple of ideas for you that you can do when you don't have time.
1. Look at yourself in the mirror and say out loud that you are doing a good job - that you are doing the best that you can do in this moment in time. Say it even if you don't believe it. This only takes a moment and can be done when you are in the bathroom. Easy and effective.
2. Play music that you like. Maybe you can play it while you are in the car (turn it up loud and sing along!), or maybe you can just have it on in the background as you go about your day.
3. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.... let them out slowly. In with the good, out with the bad...
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