Monday, June 3, 2019

Stop the comparison

Don't let other people's social media fool you. Everybody, well almost everybody, only puts the best image of themselves on social media. You get a glimpse into their life and think that everything is happy and perfect in their family.

The truth is, nobody's life is perfect. Every family has challenges and victories with their children. I think sometimes that we get so lost in the number of challenges, and the depth of our challenges, as we parent our children with mental illness, that it is easy to think that other people's families really are perfect.


No two families are the same. No two kids are the same. Families have different challenges. Children have different likes and dislikes, different temperaments, and different sensitivities.

Comparing yourself, your child, and your family to what you see on social media isn't fair. It isn't fair to you, or anyone else. It is like comparing apples and oranges; both are fruit, but beyond that they are so different that they can't be compared.

Your family and your friends' families are all families, but beyond that they cannot be compared. There are an infinite number of variables in play. All you an do is the best that YOU can do for YOUR family.

Look at your own family and celebrate the victories - big or small.


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